ISC Mini-HMS Twistlock Karabiner - 27kN
The MIni-HMS Karabiner features a compact and lightweight design, yet retains the same MBS, barrel size and gate opening as its KH204 big brother. HMS karabiners are suitable for a range of rigging applications.
Gate types:
TL Twistlock (2-way) (298-22-22)
SS Supersafe (3-way) (298-22-23)
QL Quadlock (4-way) (298-22-24)
(MBS) Minimum Breaking Strength (kN): 27
(MBS) Minimum Breaking Strength (lbf): 6070
Gate opening gap (mm): 19
Gate opening gap (inches): 3/4
Finish: Anodised
Colour: Grey
Weight (grams): 98
Weight (ounces): 3
Approved Standards
CE EN 362